Day 00: Get Started Online Introduction

11 years ago / getstarted 0

Day 00: Get Started Online Introduction

Welcome to Get Started Online course. This course will teach you simple strategies and tools that will enable you to start your online business.

First, the big question remains, why do businesses succeed? And the big answer is Passion! A business starts with an entrepreneur’s idea. Most entrepreneurs start businesses that they are passionate about. Starting a business involves investing a lot on time and resources. And someone can only do this if they are passionate about the business.

Therefore if you start a business based on what you are really passionate about, then the chances that the business will succeed is quite high.

A lot of people have been running businesses based on other people’s passion. They start with looking into the market or their networks and seek businesses that are doing well. Then they invest into those businesses. When the business goes low, they get down with it.  This is the reason that 9 out on 10 business start-ups do not reach their fifth birthday.

Passion is not inborn. Talents are. Just like skills, passion is developed. That means that you could be passionate about something now and something else different in future. Sometimes passion is affected by the environment. For instance, the passion for online business for a person living in the rural area where there is no internet, seems impossible. That’s why its always advisable to develop your passion before you monetize it. Only strong passion make money.

The passion is the only thing that remains when the whole business crumbles down. Its the only fire that ignites it back. Without it, you cannot have the energy to survive the numerous turmoils in the business world.

Passion is everything. Nothing beats the passion. When passion and skill work together, the end result is often a masterpiece. This is the masterpiece to the ultimate fulfillment.

Passion, talent, skill … Whether painting, cooking dancing, running, driving … name it! You can revolutionize this world and cash in bigtime! It doesn’t matter if you are 10 years old or 70 years old, the minute you identify your passion, you can monetize it and change this world.

As you take this bold step towards starting your online business, i would like you to look into yourself and identify what you are most passionate about. That is what can make you money online.

What are you waiting for? Just join our Get Started Course and learn how you could turn your passion into a profitable business.

The next session is a Get Started Overview that will explain to your the course structure over the next 20 days.

ADEA means Actualizing Ideas. We develop your ideas into complete online businesses and projects. We offer Website Design, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, SSL Certificates, and Online Marketing services.

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